Thursday, 20 January 2011


So my group went to visit a few places in Carnaby street, one of them was called 'THE FACE' and it has been there since the late seventies, the man who works there was lovely and very passionate and he had lots to tell us. Apparently the shop has been there since the late 70's, alot of mods go there and hang out on saturdays. Apparently Amy Winehouse used to sit on his floor there. The guy working in this shop also makes clothing and sells them there.

Another place we went to was just down from there, i can't reember the name now, oh yes i can it was Sherry's! But this woman was working in there and she was very helpful and her shop has been there around for the same amount of time as the other one, there was  a picture of her back when she was younger on the wall, and there was alot of leaflets from new mod events going on. Also she let us know that a young guy works there, so we waited in her shop for him to get back, and then we asked him about the mod scene from our generation and he was very, very helpful and he really pulled the look off well.

We plan to go back and interveiw these people. If there is something i have learnt about the mod scene, it is how welcoming and friendly it seems to be. Also how underground it's managed to keep itself.

I stole this picture from someones myspace{%22ImageId%22%3A56530438}

but i will be going back to take my own. x

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