Wednesday 10 November 2010


 The eyes are too big for the store, and the store is too big for the eyes.


So the photos i took here are not the best as the man working inside kept giving me scary looks. Interesting place, nice feel to it, nice selection of clothing here. There was some art picture in the window. The guy working here was busy and his manor could be improved, but maybe he was just having a hectic day? I asked about taking photos and he said that they don't really allow them... i have no idea what that means, but i assumed that meant no. :P , not surprising, a lot of beautiful shops are too vein to allow photos, they think that i will try and sell them to the press or whatever! But to be honest they wouldn't sell because there was nothing noted to say. And if there was then it wouldn't be me doing this darling, it would be some sneaky photography with the camera hidden under a jacket! OK enough bitching. haha This place is small but cute, and the man was just a normal guy, he didn't have a green face or anything.

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