Wednesday 10 November 2010



As observant as i was, i saw a Kate Moss display in a window.

 I sort of just stumbled upon Topshop...i planned to go here, but not at the moment i bumped into it! SO of course i entered. The store looked very nice inside lots of a Christmas theme going on, and the mannequins seemed to have bold makeup on, very 80's. And as most of us are aware, the 80's never seems to go out of fashion, and at the moment many styles from the 80's are key trends.

Topshop seem to put a lot of artistic consideration and detail into selling their brand. I really like all the little things they have done to make things stand out more, it gives them more of a mood, makes the mind think more creatively.

A response to Topshop 
I drew this with pen on-to grey paper

I then edited it on photoshop to make it a bit more exciting. 

I really liked the way the shoe and other various things were displayed in little boxes, surrounded by fairy lights. I loved the bright 80's looking makeup on the mannequins. I also loved the cold winter-y feel to the displays and the cold colours (white,silver,blue) on the clothing. 

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